Pastor Steve Miller
Pastor Steve Miller is the Lead Pastor at Heritage Baptist Church in Ashburn, VA. We hope these audio message encourage you to draw close to God and grow in your understanding of biblical truth.Heritage is a church where we seek God's presence, preach biblical truth, and grow in grace. Join us in-person or online at 9AM & 11AM
215 episodes
Influence Using Your Life For Eternal Impact
Big Idea: You don’t need a platform—just obedience. Use your influence for Christ.This week, we focused on Jude 1:20-23, looking at how influence isn’t about status but...

Privileges of being a disciple
Big Idea: Christ desires that I know the privileges I have as His disciple.This week, we focused on John 21:1-14, reflecting on what it means to be a disciple of Christ. We looked at how Jesus revealed Himself to His...

Biblical Literacy
Big Idea: Maturing disciples grow in biblical literacy through intentional rhythms.This week, we focused on Acts 11:19-26, exploring how consistent engagement with Scr...

Supporting God's Work
Big Idea: Mature disciples willingly support God’s work when they develop the right mindsets.This week, we focused on Acts 4:32-36, exploring how generosity and unity ...

Serving Together
This week, we focused on Acts 6:1-7, reflecting on the importance of service within the church community. Serving together not only supports the church but leads to spiritual growth, strengthened relationships, and the multiplication of discipl...

Spiritual Community
Big Idea: Maturing disciples engage in the rhythm of spiritual community.This week in our “Rhythms” series, we reflected on Acts 2:42-47, focusing on how fellowship, t...

Gather Together
Big Idea: Maturing disciples engage in the rhythm of gathering together.This message from Acts 2:42-47 reminds us how the early church grew spiritually by gathering in...

New Perspective
Big Idea: Accomplishing God’s plan requires that I live with the right perspective.In this week’s message, we reflect on Acts 20:17-24, where Paul teaches the importa...

Progress Report
Big Idea: When a church shares its progress, it revels its focus.When the early church shared its progress, three key focuses were revealed:1️⃣ Making Disciples: A united church rooted in peace and built on compassion.2️⃣ Maturi...

Jesus Is King
Big Idea: The announcement of Christ’s birth declares He is the Savior King.In this powerful message, we reflect on the profound truths of Scripture: • Jesus fulfills God’s promises and brings salvation. • He is the Sa...

Jesus Is Savior
Big Idea: The announcement of Christ’s birth declares He is the Savior King.In this powerful message, we reflect on Luke 2:8-14, where the angels proclaim the good news of Jesus’ birth. This announcement declares that Jesus is the Savio...

Mission focus
Big Idea: Christ’s clear mission provides His church with a clear focus.In this powerful message, Pastor Steve unpacks Matthew 28:18-20, exploring how Christ’s missio...

Believe Without Seeing
Big idea: Knowing how to believe frees me from the control of doubt.In this message, Pastor Steve walks us through John 20:24-29, highlighting how Jesus calls us to believe without seeing. Learn how faith empowers us to trust Him fully ...

Continue His Mission
Big idea: Christ provides what I need to continue his mission In this message, Pastor Steve explores John 20:19-23, sharing how Jesus commissions us to continue His mission. Learn how His presence empowers us to live with courage a...

Living In Fear
Big idea: Christ provides comfort that keeps me from living in fear.In this message, Pastor Steve explores John 20:11-18, showing how Christ’s presence transforms our...

Jesus Is Alive
Big Idea: The evidence is enough for me to believe that Jesus is alive.In this message, Pastor Steve walks us through John 20:1-10, showing how the evidence is enough for us to believe that Jesus is alive, revealing a precise, powerful,...

Wake Up Call
Big Idea: A full awareness of time renews my focus on Christ.In this message, Pastor Steve walks through Romans 13:11-14 and looks at the reasons why Christians are called to wake up out of comfort.

God's Standard of Love
Title - God's Standard of Love Read - Romans13:8-10Big Idea - Christians are called to be model citizens by loving at the standard that God sets.

A Christian Response to Government
Title - A Christian Response to GovernmentRead - Romans 13:1-7Big Idea - Christians should be model citizens in how they respond to the government.Website - https://heritageva.church

Compelled By Christ
Title - Compelled By ChristRead - John 19:38-42Big Idea - Christ's death compels His disciples to take bold actions.Website - https://heritageva.church

Blood & Water
Title - Blood & WaterRead - John 19:31-27Big Idea - John's detailed testimony shows me the significance of Christ being pierced.Website - https://heritageva.church

It is Finished
Title - It is FinishedRead - John 19:28 - 30Big Idea - Christ declaring "It is finished" has profound meaning for my life.Website -